Promises Made, Promises Kept

Cybersecurity & Broadband Authority

PROMISE MADE: Deliver digital infrastructure, as essential as physical infrastructure to ensuring Arlingtonians have equitable opportunity.


  • Fought to include funds in the FY22 budget for a feasibility study regarding the creation of a public Broadband Authority as an equitable and affordable alternative to commercial providers.

  • Advocates for e-governance by moving additional County services online, including continued expansion of Arlington’s online Construction Permitting system.

  • Voted to fund quality internet access to the underserved households that represent 16% of all households in Arlington.

  • Lobbied for additional broadband appropriations.

  • Recognizes and advocates for a comprehensive privacy policy when deploying sensors and other sensitive technologies.

  • Recommends a Chief Privacy and Cybersecurity Officer for Arlington County.

  • Supports proposal to include a digital element into Arlington’s Comprehensive Plan.

  • Serves as the County Board liaison to the Technology Commission.


  • Voted to oppose a proposal to install automated sensors in streetlight fixtures in Clarendon. While this was only a pilot project, concerns over privacy stemming from the use of sensitive technologies were not sufficiently addressed.