Promises Made, Promises Kept

Housing & Land Use

PROMISE MADE: Find new and creative approaches to housing supply, affordability, and equity.


  • Voted to provide emergency rent-assistance and prevent eviction due to COVID hardship (>$7M invested to keep almost 2700 households in place)

  • Advocates to allow the by-right expansion of legacy, small duplexes, a measure that supports small property owners.

  • Supported the phased re-development of the Greenbrier Apartments to preserve 124 affordable units. Half of these units will be affordable to households earning up to 60% AMI.

  • Reaffirmed the County’s Commitment to Fair Housing Practices.

  • Advocated for the acquisition of the southern parcel of Park Shirlington in an effort to provide long-term committed affordable housing at the site. During 2021, the County will explore all opportunities to achieve at least 294 committed affordable units.

  • Engaged in the civic dialog for and supports the Missing Middle Study" aimed at improving housing choices to include different forms, sizes, and price levels to combat Arlington’s housing crisis.

  • Serves as the County Board Liaison to the Tenant Landlord Commission (TLC) and actively worked with the Commission’s Chair to revise the TLC Charter, adding two additional commissioners (one each to tenant and landlord).


  • Voted to keep Columbia Pike affordable for moderate-income first-time home buyers by keeping the affordable ownership program support threshold at 60% AMI. 

  • Voted against the proposition to increase the threshold to 80-100%AMI, which would invite further gentrification along the Pike. 

  • Voted to approve a change to the Zoning Ordinance that will allow by-right expansions and additions to nonconforming duplexes in multi-family districts. The amendment advances the goals of the Affordable Housing Master Plan, which calls for reinvestment in existing housing stock that contributes to the overall diversity of housing countywide and preserves and supports existing affordable housing.