Promises Made, Promises Kept

Infrastructure & Transportation

PROMISE MADE: Focus on pedestrian-centric planning, making Arlington accessible, navigable, and safe for all people to thrive.


  • A leading voice in Arlington’s Vision-Zero planning, focusing on implementing even more pedestrian and cyclist friendly road designs and traffic calming measures. 

  • Actively supported the creation of the South Carlin Springs safe pedestrian zone that enables students to safely walk to Campbell, Kenmore, and Carlin Springs Schools.

  • Strongly opposed the VDOT-driven enhancement of Arlington Blvd (Route 50) to a fully car-centered “urban highway” because it contradicts Arlington’s commitment to pedestrian and bicycle safe design.

  • Advocated for the General Assembly to expand automated traffic enforcement and to authorize localities to reduce the speed limit to less than 25 miles per hour on any roadway located in a business or a residential district within its boundaries. Legislation was passed and will be effective as of July 1, 2021.

  • Actively engaged in the design of the future ART BUS Storage and Maintenance Facility in the Trades Center and advocates for community input and significant sustainability improvements such as the accommodation of EV buses.


  • Voted to oppose VDOT’s plan to widen Arlington Boulevard between Glebe Road and Fillmore Street because of its car-centered ‘urban-highway’ impact.

  • Voted to approve the contract to widen the Columbia Pike bridge over the Four Mile Run stream to improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists ($1M).

  • Voted to endorse VDOT’s proposed Boundary Channel Drive-I-395 interchange project’s major design elements. The project will improve connections for pedestrians and bicyclists and improve traffic safety along I-395, Boundary Channel Drive, and Long Bridge Drive.

  • Voted to approve a $4.23 million contract, awarded through a competitive bidding process, for the conceptual design and environmental review for a Crystal City-National Airport Multimodal Connector. The connector would link Crystal City’s core to the airport, meeting the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and micro-mobility users of all ages and abilities.