Promises Made, Promises Kept

Inclusive Long-Term Planning

PROMISE MADE: Keep Arlington true to our history of comprehensive, effective, and equitable long-term planning and place-making.


  • Supported the expansion of the WETA headquarters in Shirlington – a move that will keep this signature institution in Arlington for the foreseeable future. 

  • Worked to enhance the Shirlington Special General Land Use Plan (GLUP) to accommodate a new era of pedestrian-friendly, economically and environmentally sustainable growth and forward-thinking urbanism.

  • Actively engaged in the civic dialog and supports the Missing Middle Study to look at improving housing choices, different forms, and price levels to combat Arlington’s housing crisis.

  • Enabled transformational investments in Rosslyn through his support of the 1900 Fort Myer Drive and Ames Center towers, which bring significant public benefits to the neighborhood, including open space between the two residential towers that will help achieve the Rosslyn Sector Plan’s goals.

  • Supported LEED Silver certification for the Rosslyn projects, under the U.S. Green Building Council’s green building program.

  • Supported the improved walkability features of the Landmark Block development in Courthouse, including the conversion of a section of North Uhle Street to a pedestrian promenade and of N 15th Street to a multimodal shared street, working toward a Courthouse civic plaza and park to replace the current surface parking lot.

  • Continues to champion adequate staffing for the Joint Facilities Advisory Commission to begin its work on the long-overdue Schools and Public Facilities Master Plan for Arlington.


  • Voted to approve JBG Smith’s plan to develop Crystal Gateway (101 12th Street S.), a nine-story office building with ground-floor retail in Crystal City. Community benefits associated with the project include the development of 54,500 sq. ft. into Gateway Park, connecting Long Bridge Park to Crystal City; contributing $300,000 towards the planning of the park; committing to sustainable construction and operation of the building and the construction of a connector road on the site.

  • Voted in favor of a mixed-use redevelopment project that will add 740 new housing units, including on-site affordable housing, to the Rosslyn neighborhood.

  • Voted to approve a plan to renovate the Crystal City Water Park, adding retail shops, cafes, and restaurants along the edges of the park; upgrading the existing water wall, and adding a new water feature; adding public art and an outdoor bar; and improving the connections to the planned Virginia Railway Express station and the Mount Vernon trail connector.

  • Voted to approve Dominion’s expansion and upgrading of its substation at 1720 South Fern Street to an adjacent county-owned parcel on South Hayes Street. The expanded substation will serve the future needs of Crystal City, Pentagon City, and the surrounding neighborhoods with a new substation, upgraded equipment, and new resiliency infrastructure. Green space accessible to the public on the site will be expanded to include grassy lawn, new trees, and landscaping, a walkway, seating, and public art.