Promises Made, Promises Kept


PROMISE MADE: Ensure that all Arlingtonians are given equitable opportunity to succeed.


  • Aggressively pursued the retirement and replacement of Arlington County’s offensive Logo. 

  • Supported the work of the community-driven renaming of Lee Highway and supported the legislative action at the General Assembly that authorizes Arlington to rename the road. Legislation passed (HB1854) and will be effective as of July 1, 2021. 

  • Worked to establish an orderly process for the renaming of streets and places that respects and re-interprets Arlington’s historic past.

  • With Arlington’s Chief Equity Officer, worked to expand the recruitment efforts for prospective members of the County’s Citizen Advisory Commissions to be a true representation of Arlington County. 

  • Supported the series of Dialogues on Race and Equity as a forum to address racial equity and disparities in our community.


  • Voted to approve a six-month long community-based process to select the new County logo no later than the County Board’s June 2021 Regular Meeting.

  • Voted to adopt an ordinance designating Mount Salvation Baptist Cemetery, at 1961 N. Culpeper Street, as a Local Historic District. The cemetery, maintained by the church since 1892, is one of 2 church-affiliated historic African American cemeteries in the Hall’s Hill/High View Park neighborhood.